Visitor No.
O IBRAPPER, was founded in 2000, in the city of Itapema/SC by Mrs. Cleide Machado with the support of other professionals, aiming to promote and disseminate scientific studies and research in the area
In 2006, IBRAPPER arrived in Sorocaba to teach courses and provide assistance, such as Clínica Escola de Complementar e Integrativas Therapies.
Our Ibrapper Institute has three distinct divisions:
IBRAPPER has 18 anos, offers, through the project “Complementary and Integrative Therapies for Oncology Patients, Ostomized Patients and Families”, on a voluntary basis, social support in the health area and therapies for people affected by cancer in situation of social vulnerability.
Our work is to transmit and help the population in the therapeutic processes better quality of life, through awareness of prevention and health care, offering therapeutic care to Oncology and Ostomized patients and their families, before, during and after cancer treatment.
We see that this is our social role for Sorocaba society and the region.
In order to structure our services in a more adequate way, we established partnerships, mobilized resources in order to improve our services, so we decided to institutionalize IBRAPPER, which now has legal personality as uma Associação sem Profit Purposes as of 05/11/2016. We were recognized as a Public Utility in 2017 and we were also certified for the second consecutive year com the Social Seal for the positive impacts on the city of Sorocaba.
Our Institute has an interdisciplinary team of volunteers that includes: Reflexotherapy, Social Worker, Nutritionist, Nurses, Stomachtherapists, Physiotherapist, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Psychoanalyst, Therapists and Psychologists, working together to provide physical and emotional balance to obtain a better quality of life. life.
Get to know some entities that are currently served by the Ibrapper Associates Agreement:
• Sorocaba League to Fight Cancer
• Projeto Renascer: Therapeutic institution dedicated to the treatment of children and adolescents with chemical dependency and alcoholism.
IBRAPPER, with its complementary and integrative therapies, seeks to assist in health and self-esteem, thus improving the quality of life of its patients through personalized planning and care, we seek to integrate conventional and complementary therapies according to perceived needs in each case.
Our Institute studies and researches each case in order to be assertive in bringing the best result to the lives of our assisted patients and therefore, we have an average of 80% improvement in each case with our attendances._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
And to support this entire scientific basis of research and sustainability, we provide free training courses in Reflexology, and Extension in Auriculotherapy, Florals and Quantum Florals developed exclusively for students who have already graduated and with differentiated service hours, being trained on a theoretical basis. and practice.
Social Division
Donation of collection bags for ostomy, ileostomy and urostomy, and other adjuvants.
Craft classes with Projeto Bonecando and Turma do Fuxico
Board of Directors
Cleide Machado -President
Vivian Perretti Machado -Vice-President
Esmeralda Mendes Zerede - Director of Volunteering and Institutional Campaigns
Michelly Penteiche Modesto -Public Relations
Fiscal Council
Roseclair Fernandes
Marina Vidal
Angélica Alves Pereira Cândido
Stephanie Mendes Zerede